
Apr 16, 2024

There's an abundance of information to digest whenever you build a brand new website. You need to worry about hosting, selecting a theme, getting information on your site, and ensuring that everything is running well for visitors to are expected to knock on your door.

With all of these distractions you might have missed some of the lesser popular WooThemes ' features. You've probably tested a handful and implemented them on your website, however there are new and innovative capabilities constantly being added, and it's not uncommon to not be aware of the latest versions, which puts you at some disadvantages.

It's a bit of a shocker that Excel is one of the most powerful software tools around in the event that you spend the time to understand all of the functions you do not yet know about. The same goes for WooThemes So let's take the look at some of the features you've never heard of but need to use.

 1. The Features Plugin

The Features plugin is a rather simple plugin feature which allows you to add an array of functions on your site. It is pretty reliable, so you can upload an image or share a link and then type in a message.

The widget is available that you can throw on your site by going to the Widgets section of your WordPress dashboard. Features are not always the most straightforward thing to control in the case of selling tools or software online This plugin can make the process pretty easy. Learn to install the plugin on this page.

 2. Table Rate Shipping

This is a feature for medium-sized to larger-sized companies that really need an advanced and flexible shipping system. When shipping products there are many factors that are considered, including the weight, number of items and even class.

The table rate shipping feature helps you define numerous shipping rates by factoring in each of these specific items. The main benefit of this feature is the full customization. If you are using the standard shipping system, you have to settle for what's available.

This gives you a opportunity to design your own zones for target areas for shipping, and much more. You are free to include various rates to every zone you make and then add an unlimited amount of rules based on number of items, the weight of items, and many other factors.

 3. Designer of the Storefront

Storefront Designer

The Storefront Designer Feature is ideal for anyone who truly wants to customize the way the front of their ecommerce store looks. It's nice to have a template but it doesn't allow you the chance to design your store in as you want to. There are times when you require an instrument that can break parts into pieces so that you can easily move the components about.

 4. All extensions to Sensei

Sensei is a plugin which helps you create a learning system on your website. So, you can run a class or training program and charge your customers for the course.


Another one of my favorites is the BadgeOS feature where students compete and earn different badges as they complete steps throughout your class.

WooDojo is a simple package of features, but two are particularly notable to me. The first can be described as it's Login Branding feature, which is great for companies or freelancers creating multiple websites for customers. There's a good chance that the clients will want the login branded for their own company. This also makes it easier for you to distinguish between all of your client sites.

WooDojo Shortlinks is a function often overlooked since there are so many different options to shorten your links using. The cool thing about this function is that you don't have to go away from WooThemes as it works directly into your preferred link shortening service.

 6. QuickBooks Online Integration

The integration is compatible with taxes in countries like the US, Canada, and the UK. The user interface is completely online, and it's rather sleek so you don't have to worry about adding a whole new software that will just clog your taxes and accounting processes.

 7. One Page Checkout

You are able to curate the items displayed, create custom landing pages, customize the design, and much more.

 8. MailPoet

When you shop online, it can be hard to collect the emails since so many users shop with guests which leaves you with very little details about their customers. In some cases, you only need to inquire about the email addresses of customers.

In MailPoet you can find a section where customers are asked to type into their email addresses at the end of the checkout process. It is at this point that they have decided to purchase from your company. The trust you've built has already been established and trust, which makes it more straightforward to inquire about an email address.

There is even the option of wooing customers with the promise of an offer or discount if they provide their email address before checkout. Everybody is more likely to provide an email address when it means a little promotion.


It's enough to know about the WooThemes capabilities you've not heard of before but need to use. Tell me in the comment section if you have actually used one of these options before. Feel free to add your opinions on more WooThemes secrets that may assist others in the near future.

Keep your eyes on our blog as well as email announcements. We usually post new product and feature release announcements there. Out and in!