How do you maintain your clients, while also generating revenue for your SaaS-based business

May 6, 2023

Subscriptions make up the core of any SaaS business model.

This is a enticing idea. Customers sign up to your product and, each month, they must be compensated for their continued access to the product. Simple, right?

Incorrect payment details can lead to one of the unspoken reasons behind customer losses in the SaaS industry--involuntary churn. Involuntary churn occurs when consumers tend to engage in a recurrent churn but they're not aware of it, or are aware. Involuntary churn is responsible for 7.2 percent of all the industry-wide churns in addition to 7.5 per cent of the churns that occur within the SaaS industry.

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Let's examine ways that you can implement the concepts in your own business.

Reasons for non-voluntary, or ineffective customer turn-over during the time of the payment may be due to.

One of the most important aspects that support each one of them is providing your customers with the best customer service. When you have the proper techniques in place, it is possible to ensure that your customers are satisfied and bring in revenue.

Before diving too deeply into the methods you may use to make sure your business is in good state, think about the importance of "involuntary the churn" is. Imagine a normal payment process which you've set up for the clients of your company.

  • Register for your subscription.
  • The date for payment is on the 28th day of March.
  • Initial charge to the account did not go through.
  • The customer will receive an email that informs the customer that their purchase could not be valid and they could be denied access to your service in the event that they do not immediately take action.
  • It's unclear what the user is attempting to accomplish in the first attempt, the second time around, using their credit card for payments fails as well.
  • If you fail to make the third occasion to pay your bill, your account will not be able to renew the subscription. They may either convert your subscription to a no-cost version or deactivates the account altogether.

What it fails to identify are the various factors which could have led to the difficulty in collecting the payments.

A strategy for preventing churning that is involuntary is essential to ensure the return of revenue. Planning can come varied including:

  • This is the procedure of setting up a series of "dunning" emails. The company sends out a series of emails reminding customers to change the data they have on their credit card or other payment processor options.
  •       Examine how the card information was changed within your system. Once a user updates their details on their credit card and provides exact data to your payment system?
  • Check that the transaction does not have security issues through the gateway. This will stop from being fraudulent.

Three simple steps that you can follow to improve profits and stop involuntary customer churn.

There are three ways to receive a payment

1. Offer your customers the ability to easily withdraw the money.

The year 2020 is only getting underway and we're living in an age where people don't expect to get every day cash, and don't anticipate that it will.

If you create invoices that ask clients to make payments for subscriptions with cash, you're not just giving them an chance to increase tension in the process but it can also lead to delay in payment. Invoices don't get sent back, and in the event that they do not, they could not get the funds from them, which could put the subscription at risk.

The best way to stop this happening is to offer your customers with the smoothest and most automatic method of completing their purchase. The design of your payment page should not only provide customers with a simple user experience as they sign-up to join your membership. It will also allow for them to navigate any time they need to modify the details of their account.

There are a variety of options available that can help your customers make the payment process seamless

  • Create a separate website or page for customers to update their personal information: A customer should have the ability to alter their personal information regarding the payment at any time they want to be able to, and not just if they are insufficient. Make sure that this option is accessible to your clients at all times of the day.
  • Security is the primary. When a client fills in their information to apply in order to use a credit card the information needs to be encrypted. So, making sure that your customers remain safe when they input the personal details of their customers when they input their personal data into their credit card is essential to keeping them around. Why would anyone want to work with a company who doesn't have a secure payment system?
  • It's simple to use even when using a mobile device: Customers are individuals who have a desire to engage. Make sure that your payment processor is functional regardless of the kind of device they're making use of. If they can update the details of a payment, no matter if they're working or out and about The more likely it is that they will finish the transaction.
  • Check that all functions are working in a proper way While technology is incredible, we know when the system isn't functioning effectively. effective. Check your payment procedure and update webpage to verify the process is working as it's supposed to. In the event that you fail to do this, you could discover that customers attempt to correct their details regarding their credit card however they aren't successful in doing this.

     If you're using a payment processor processor that can support autopilot, then you'll pay the cost of your subscription via autopilot. Autopilot handles subscriptions through various payment gateways and can accommodate every payment method including the languages, currencies as well as currency.

2. Breathe deeply should they fail to complete the initial payment.

It is possible that a payment error can happen. This type of error is common in all games that require subscription.

If a credit or debit card belonging to a client doesn't work, it's crucial to allow the client time to comprehend what caused it. Thanks to advances in technology such as cards that auto-update themselves and are being utilized the data on cards are automatically updated. There are occasions when the information in cards aren't up-to-date which is why email dunning is a part of the scene.

The mail sent to dunning customers shouldn't be utilized as a method to make them aware that they don't have money. Better to be in contact with the consumer to verify the payment is correct and to also offer customers the option of changing the information on their account, like this one available on Hulu:

  • Your customers should realize that your service is worth the amount they spend on: You shouldn't ask for money immediately from the beginning. Instead, you should compose your message in a way to make them aware of the main reasons that they chose your service to begin with. For example, in the Hulu example, the message serves as a reminder for customers that they will be able to stream shows that they like when they decide to renew the subscription.
  • Create your email to be brief and straightforward: Avoid sending a long-winded email like novels that contain lengthy chapters. It is important to limit your email to a few paragraphs. Each paragraph should be having a particular purpose. The goal of an mail is to inform the user about benefits your product will bring in the near in the future. Then, you can provide an explanation of the failure to pay. Be sure to make sure the email is not only related to payment problems. However, be sure to mention that if the user does not act to resolve the issue, we will terminate the subscription.
  • Make a short CTA Like what Hulu has done in the email they sent below. Instead of displaying users with the "pay immediately" button, instead they've advised the client that it's easy to "reactivate" your subscription. Be sure to provide the clear CTA to ensure that the customers are aware that they need to take action for maintaining the subscription.

Furthermore, make sure that changing your account is as easy as you can. It is crucial to be sure that your CTA provides customers with access to an update page for the account, which responds to the device that the user receives an email from. Remember that the simpler it is for clients to change their account information is the greater chance they will modify the information they have associated with their accounts.

3. Give your customers an opportunity to be winners.

Give your customers the chance to have a second look on the reasons why their purchase was rejected, and then assist them with an alternative to their participation.

In the event that you realize that the individual hasn't been able to pay the bill, do not immediately close the account of your client and remove the account from your lists. Instead, contact them to determine what you can do to help them who are in financial the require.

It is possible to make an offer of:

  • Be sure that your subscription is valid and is the lowest sum they're allowed to contribute to.
  • Transfer them to an evaluation version of the software which you're currently using to test them for a certain time.
  • The account has to be shut down.

If you're dealing with SaaS particularly SaaS it is important to be aware of the fact that you're selling a product that is expensive which means you're unable to provide customers a full refund if the first payment is not successful. It could be because they've suffered from the economic recession that led to them not being able to maintain their current subscription. If this is the case, there's an option to switch the subscription to a less expensive version, or perhaps temporarily suspend your subscription until they're at an age where they're able to return it.

It is essential to ensure that you are able to treat your clients with kindness during times of trouble in their payment. This will make your clients satisfied. They'd appreciate knowing that they are able to count on you to manage the fluctuations in levels and lows that are associated in running a business. When you place your account in a hold rather than having it closed this will eliminate the headache of having to go through the process of getting it reinstated each time your account is renewed.

You'll get a reward, and so will your clients.

Recovering payment that was not in fact paid is crucial to lessen the amount of churn.

If they aren't successful in the end, and they are the cause of failure, it's essential to implement the proper procedure that will not only assist you in recouping the losses you suffered, but also keep your customers as well. If a customer's payment fails to be processed, the first contact the client makes with them is not looking to get the refund. It's important to keep in touch with your clients to inquire about any issues or concerns to come up with solutions. look for solutions to any issues that the client has raised.

Your customers are the foundation of your enterprise. If you can convince them to return to normal routine however, that doesn't mean they're going to quit. But, if you can do the right way, you could have a positive effect on your clients and for your business.

Kimberlee Meier Kimberlee Meier is a Content Writer using B2B/SaaS, which helps start-ups grow quicker by offering top-quality evergreen, enduring writing. Workshops can be found on

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